Pre-Transaction Due Diligence
Institutional investors around the world turn to RosettiStarr to perform pre-transaction intelligence and deal due diligence services because we go deeper than anyone in the industry. Our reports are cross-functional tools used by investment principals and compliance professions to understand and shape the nature of the deal and satisfy regulatory and fiduciary burdens. The result is a lower risk profile and a deeper understanding of the people at the core of our clients’ investments.
RosettiStarr routinely identifies undisclosed issues that help our clients negotiate better deals or avoid them entirely. We operate with discretion, understand our client's goals and work closely with them when issues arise.
Shareholder Activism
Our analysts have worked on hundreds of major shareholder activist campaigns helping equity holders in public companies assert influence and improve shareholder return. Our team is trained to spot governance failures, undisclosed related party transactions, management red flags, and other material issues which affect the course of activist campaigns. We generate hard facts to support our clients' investment hypotheses and help them gain influence in the market. From mergers and acquisitions and go-private events, to major open market transactions, our team routinely provides critical research behind high-profile business events.
Market Intelligence
Monitoring the marketplace is a must. Prices change, features get upgraded, suppliers can fail. Be in the know. We approach each assignment from a fresh perspective and identify hyper-targeted and relevant global market experts to help you get ahead of a given trend or event.
Crisis Response & Support
RosettiStarr has worked alongside global public relations firms, law firms, and major enterprises on front-page issues. Our staff is ready to respond rapidly to a developing crisis at any time or place, including by swiftly supplying the facts for arguments and statements that will have the largest beneficial impact.
Case Study
The man behind the curtain.

Global Intelligence Support
Deep Public Records Research
Site Visits
A client had investments in an $8B+ multinational life sciences company. They suspected something wasn’t right with the company’s books, so they hired RosettiStarr to evaluate the leadership team and assess elements of the company’s operations.
Our researchers uncovered:
- Unreported spousal relationship between the CEO and a board member.
- Mismatching revenue reporting between publicly reported results by parent and the actual results of their operating subsidiaries (likely accounting fraud.)
- The CEO was using the same firm to audit corporate subsidiaries as well as his own personal real estate holding companies (whose assets he was leasing back to the company.)
We then conducted site visits to 100 of the company’s operating sites in 19 countries on 4 continents and found that dozens of the company’s purported operating locations had limited or no business operations at all.